Monday, January 27, 2014

Sands of Doubt or Oil of Faith?

"Doubt is like sand in the machinery of life, but faith is like oil."

Have you ever gotten sand in between your toes?  How about sand tracked inside your house from a little one? Not at all comfortable circumstances to encounter, that's for sure!!!
Doubt is like that within your mind, as well.  It causes you to be uncomfortable, even while in comfortable circumstances!  If all the circumstances are not right, that doesn't mean you need to doubt what you are doing during those circumstances.

You can be on a beautiful beach somewhere, enjoying a wonderful vacation, wearing your favorite flip-flops, but if you end up getting sand stuck all over your feet & in between your toes, it can cause the rest of the perfect circumstances to not be so perfect!  That's what doubt does!

You can be pressing on, working your business, excited about the Zeal product, sharing with everyone you see, & then all of a sudden a little tiny bit of doubt pops in your head & then before you know it, you aren't excited any more, sharing at all & even question what you are doing in Zeal in the first place!

Don't undo in doubt what you decided by faith!  Keep pressing on!  Keep moving forward!  Keep believing!!!      

Don't get any sand of doubt stuck in your smooth working Zeal machine!  Keep your faith, believe in the product, believe in the company, & keep believing in YOU! You are the only one that can be the greatest you there is!

Faith is believing!  Believing is the oil that keeps that machine working smoothly.  If you don't believe, & your mind is full of doubts & you're second-guessing yourself, it will seem as though you're stuck in the sand, not able to spin your wheels at all!

Remind yourself of how far you have come.  Keep plugged in to the conference calls, the wake-up calls, read up on others' testimonies on the Zeal Sites, contact your up-line sponsor & ask 'em for a Zeal pep talk--just whatever it takes!  Apply that oil of believing faith needed to keep your Zeal machine working!

Don't undo in doubt what you believe you can do in Zeal!  If you think you can or you can't, you ARE right!

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