Monday, January 27, 2014

Sands of Doubt or Oil of Faith?

"Doubt is like sand in the machinery of life, but faith is like oil."

Have you ever gotten sand in between your toes?  How about sand tracked inside your house from a little one? Not at all comfortable circumstances to encounter, that's for sure!!!
Doubt is like that within your mind, as well.  It causes you to be uncomfortable, even while in comfortable circumstances!  If all the circumstances are not right, that doesn't mean you need to doubt what you are doing during those circumstances.

You can be on a beautiful beach somewhere, enjoying a wonderful vacation, wearing your favorite flip-flops, but if you end up getting sand stuck all over your feet & in between your toes, it can cause the rest of the perfect circumstances to not be so perfect!  That's what doubt does!

You can be pressing on, working your business, excited about the Zeal product, sharing with everyone you see, & then all of a sudden a little tiny bit of doubt pops in your head & then before you know it, you aren't excited any more, sharing at all & even question what you are doing in Zeal in the first place!

Don't undo in doubt what you decided by faith!  Keep pressing on!  Keep moving forward!  Keep believing!!!      

Don't get any sand of doubt stuck in your smooth working Zeal machine!  Keep your faith, believe in the product, believe in the company, & keep believing in YOU! You are the only one that can be the greatest you there is!

Faith is believing!  Believing is the oil that keeps that machine working smoothly.  If you don't believe, & your mind is full of doubts & you're second-guessing yourself, it will seem as though you're stuck in the sand, not able to spin your wheels at all!

Remind yourself of how far you have come.  Keep plugged in to the conference calls, the wake-up calls, read up on others' testimonies on the Zeal Sites, contact your up-line sponsor & ask 'em for a Zeal pep talk--just whatever it takes!  Apply that oil of believing faith needed to keep your Zeal machine working!

Don't undo in doubt what you believe you can do in Zeal!  If you think you can or you can't, you ARE right!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Past History Positivity

Thomas Jefferson once said, "I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past."

And I say, don't expect your past experiences that were wrapped in negative to fuel your future for the positive!

Yesterday, while I was talking with a couple of people about Zeal & explaining the positive health benefits with our amazing product, for every positive thing I said, one person had something negative to say.  (Ever run into one of those?!)  I could have listened to the negativity & walked away feeling defeated.  But, I didn't!  I refuse to do so!  I have already made up my mind NOT to because I KNOW what Zeal can do & I BELIEVE in the product!  I turned my conversation, rather, to the other person who was willing to listen, & seemingly interested.  

Not everyone we are going to meet is going to be thrilled with what we have to offer in Zeal.  Especially, if that person is NOT taking steps to becoming healthier, making right food choices, & exercising in the first place.  Zeal, then honestly, could be an offence & will be treated as such.  It goes with the territory.  Don't be surprised when that happens.  Just have your response ready for when it does.  Have your facts straight. Be prepared. Press on--no matter what!  Just because you run into a negative person who may refuse what you have to offer, does NOT mean that the next person will be the same way, or every person after that, as well.  Don't lose your thrill for Zeal!

In this business, (and in every other area of life, actually!) you have a choice to make.  You can either listen to negative comments, get discouraged and quit, or you can use them as stepping stones to weed through the negative to find the positive--the ones that want Zeal! They're out there!  Just move on & keep sharing.

What are your dreams?  Don't get discouraged.  Don't focus on the past & look back.  You're not going in that direction any way!  You can get stuck in the past when you quit dreaming of your future & quit working toward that dream.

I'm with our past president on this one:  "I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past."

Zeal ON!  

Monday, January 13, 2014

Challenging Your Mind

"If you want something you've never had, then you've got to do something you've never done!"

Let me ask you some questions.  In Zeal...where are you?  Where do you want to be?  Now let me ask you another question...Are you doing what you need to be be where you want to be?

I asked myself these same questions.  (I've actually asked them a lot!)

Life is certainly a constant battle in one's own mind.  Sometimes, I feel as though I am my biggest enemy. One day, I think I can, & I KNOW I can.  The next day, I FEEL like I can't.  Sometimes, those thoughts & emotions happen all in the same day!  Crazy stuff!  Life is certainly a series of ups & downs.  No denying it. Everyone goes through it; not just with Zeal, but with anything. That's life!

What we KNOW is NOT based on how we FEEL!      

How are you going to get through those ups & downs & those feelings of uncertainty?  I decided I had to make some decisions.  I decided I needed to decide!  I knew it, & I made the decisions.  I remind myself of those decisions every day.  I remind myself, by myself, within myself.  No one else made the decisions for me, & no one else is going to work to make those decisions stick.  I believe it, & that's all that matters! Those decisions are NOT to be determined by how I feel!  Those decisions CANNOT be determined by how I feel.  They are based on what I KNOW to be true & BELIEVE are true.  If they are not, they will not stick.

I do not know where you want to be in Zeal.  I do not know if you are happy with where you are in Zeal.  I DO know that the answers to those question in your mind & in your own life can happen with Zeal...with a Zeal for life that you've never had before.

Wake up, renewing your mind, rededicating your thoughts, redetermining your goals, & pressing on--no matter what!  The potential is there.  You've got to get a vision!  I had to get a vision! Truly think about 'em.  You've got to get a passion.  You've got to take action!  And, so do I!!!

"If you want something you've never had, then you've got to do something you've never done!"

Zeal is an avenue in which to get something you've never had.  Zeal is an avenue to help you do something you've never done before. Take full advantage of it.  It has been placed in your life for a reason. Work to find out what those reasons are.  Set goals for yourself, & work to see those goals come to fruition.  I've had to.

I want to encourage you today wherever you are, wherever you're at.  It takes time.  Come to grasp with what you've been given, even blessed with in Zeal.  How can we not share it?!  How can we not get excited about it?  I want to, & I'm going to.  Work together as a team!

Zeal ON!

Monday, January 6, 2014

"Situation Excellent!" -- From The Beginning

I have been doing some goal setting, dreaming, & "soul-searching" all wrapped in prayer & thought I would share my heart in hopes to encourage someone today.  

When my family & I were first introduced to Zeal, our main reason for even considering the Zeal product was to get healthy, and we wished to "G4" & be able to continue the product with less expense for our family. Honestly, in the very beginning, we didn't give the "business side" of Zeal too much thought.

As we were enjoying the health benefits from Zeal, our "team" began to grow just from sharing our personal testimony of the health changes within our family.  Even though there was no thought to building a team of Zeal consultants in our area, a team began to grow, & we are SO grateful.  It has been an amazing experience!  We are praying, planning & preparing for what our future holds in Zeal.

I have been reading other Zeal testimonials, books, etc. hoping to learn what I need to in order share Zeal and help others experience the blessing of Zeal, as well.    

Early on, I got really discouraged about the whole idea of being the "only Zealer up here", so I was told. Due to the fact that my up-line sponsor lives over a thousand miles away, I had never been to a challenge party, never held a challenge party, never been to an event, and lived nowhere close to anyone else that is even in the Zurvita business.  When I signed up over the phone as a consultant, I hadn't even tasted Zeal yet!  Since I was doing this to help my husband & his health, & didn't have a Zeal testimony of my own; at that time, I felt as though there was "no way I could do this!"

But, God has since given me another thought...a different's called, "Situation Excellent!"  I read that at the First Battle of the Marne during WWI, a French lieutenant general, Ferdinand Foch, sent out the communique':  "My center is giving way, my right is retreating.  Situation excellent.  I am attacking."  His willingness to see hope in a tough situation eventually led to victory for his troops.

Sometimes, life hands us circumstances that cause us to feel as though we are losing on every front. We may think, "What's the use of even trying to forge ahead?!"  One who truly believes can ALWAYS find a way to conclude, "Situation excellent!"...and that is what I have decided to BELIEVE for our family with Zeal.  All those negative things that I let become excuses are now the very foundational difficulties I am choosing to be my stepping stones to reach even higher in Zurvita!

I have decided that all those "negatives" that seemed to be piled high all around me make for the perfect situation to grow a phenomenal Zeal team...and that's positive!  I know that I have not always been the help, the leader, if you will, as an up-line sponsor, to encourage & help as much as I wish I could. I AM STILL LEARNING, but I AM WILLING to learn ALL I can to grow and succeed...not just in Zurvita with Zeal, but with my whole life, in His will & for His glory.  

With being a Zeal Consultant that has G4'd, "All-Starred", becoming "car qualified" & recently being promoted, I am beginning to see how truly amazing this product & company is.  I am also envisioning how truly amazing our Zeal team can grow to be, too!

Since there were not any other "Zealers" in my area, & no one else here at that time that had even heard of Zeal Wellness, we ARE in an "excellent situation"  It's all in perspective.  I have had to change my perspective & see the long-term effects.  I know it will take time, hard work, determination, & patience, but like I said, I am willing to do just that!  With God's help, I know my situation can be an excellent opportunity, & I know you can also feel that way about whatever situation you are presently in, as well.

Be willing to learn & work harder. As they say, "Teamwork makes the dream work!" And, it truly does!

With that, I hope to encourage you today where you are at in your Zeal business.
Decide to see that no matter what situation you are currently in, it can actually be... "Situation excellent!"

Zeal ON!