Monday, February 24, 2014

Sick of Being Stuck?

Do you feel "stuck" in your business?  Have you lost your momentum?  Are you sitting where you want to be financially?  Is your Zeal growing?

"The best way to keep from getting stuck is to KEEP MOVING FORWARD!"

Keep sharing!  Keep caring!  Remember you are getting a monthly residual income to just ask one question--"Have you ever heard of the Zeal for Life Challenge?"  That's it.  That's all there is to it. The rest of the conversation will carry itself on from there, depending upon the situation or circumstances.
So, keep asking! Don't pre-judge.  You never know who will take you up on the opportunity or who your "game-changer" is going to be!  

Maybe you feel like you have failed, didn't follow-up like you should or ran out of contacts? Are being set-back for one reason or another?  That's okay...Just keep moving forward!

And remember:  "A set-back is really a set-up for a comeback!"  

It's not over!  Don't quit!  Don't be so concerned with your PERFECTION (of how you are doing) as you you are with your DIRECTION (of where you are heading)!

Michael Jordan said, "I have failed over & over again; that's why I have succeeded."

Where do you want to be this time next month?  It's not going to happen by itself.  Make a plan & work your plan.  Set some goals & seriously take strides to reaching your goals.
Be accountable to yourself.  Mark your calendar.  Make your list.  Check 'em off!

Believe me, everything I am writing here is what I have been telling myself.  I'm not asking you to do anything that I'm not willing to do or am presently doing myself!

Zeal is amazing!  Believe it & believe in yourself!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Worth It!

"Decide now that you are worthy of great wealth, & it will be your first step toward great prosperity."
--D. Hardy

This decision is something I personally have battled myself. Anyone growing up in a home where emotional & verbal abuse were part of the daily routine, after a while, one can get so use to hearing such negative words, one does not know any different; it begins to affect one's heart & mind, and eventually the actions that follow.

When life gives you hard-knocks, & things don't work out as you plan, if not careful, you can get so use to the negative, that the positive doesn't seem to be a part of your big picture. Life is full of negative, living under the sin-curse.  The positive things in life usually have to be searched out, and even determined to be sought after on purpose, with hope & hard work.  Learn to distance yourself from the negative.

I use to think things like, "Oh, that could never happen for me." or "I'm not worthy of such..." or "I could never do that!" or "I will never be able to afford to do thus or such or get this or that." Or, how about this one..."I'll never be good enough; that's just how my life is!"

How you think is what you are going to be.  How you feel is how you are going to react.  What you decide is what you are going to do!

Life is a series of tests & trials, & the decisions you make from each test & each trial will determine the end results!  You can let those tests & trials knock you flat on your back & stay there, or you can get right back up & press on!  Move forward!  And, decide you ARE worthy!  You are so worthy, Christ died JUST FOR YOU!  So, why not think you can have great prosperity?  Why not you?  Your life is not already planned out.  You plan your life!

If we are not careful, we can get angry towards those that have prosperity, become bitter & get prideful in our present state & foster a false humility!  Just because it happens for them, doesn't mean it can't happen for us! Just because it doesn't happen for us, doesn't mean we are not worthy for it to happen!  It may mean, we need to change our thoughts, change our actions & work towards those goals & aspirations we have hidden in our mind & heart.  Greatness isn't already determined.  You determine your greatness!

Psalms 16:11 says, "Thou wilt show me the path of life: in Thy presence is fullness of joy; at Thy right hand, there are pleasures forevermore."

I don't know about you, but I have decided to follow Jesus.  I have decided I am worthy because He is worthy.  It's okay to have His blessings of wealth & prosperity in life, if He so deems.

Take that first step toward prosperity in your own life.
Decide YOU ARE WORTHY--because YOU ARE--in Him!

Monday, February 10, 2014

A Challenge for Change

"You can't accept a challenge without some change."

Zeal just makes you feel better!  It gives energy & mental clarity like no other health supplement.  I've tried to be healthy by drinking lots of water, eating salads so much that my step-father use to call me a "rabbit", stay active by walking daily, etc.  But, it wasn't until someone shared Zeal with me that I actually FELT healthier & BETTER.

If I don't share it with others, I'm robbing someone else from having the same wonderful experiences I am with Zeal.  So, why wouldn't I want to share it?!

Many fears have filled my mind of why I haven't, didn't or even won't.  If we were to get together & share all of those reasons, we'd have a list a mile long!  

I wonder if the person that shared it with me, or with you, ever felt the same way?  Probably!

Thing is, those reasons are really only excuses wrapped in the insecurities of our own making!

For some, it really could be a challenge to step out of a comfort zone & share about Zeal.  It could even be difficult to start the Zeal for Life 90 Day Challenge.

"You can't accept a challenge without some change."  Great things are never birthed in a comfort zone!  Making changes is what it takes to overcome challenges!

What challenges are you wanting to overcome in Zeal or with Zeal? The only way you are going to do so is by making some changes & get out of your comfort zone.

It is important to set goals--not just in your heart, but write them down!  Then, take the necessary steps & make the necessary changes to accomplish those goals.

Accept the challenges.  Make some changes.
You will better for it in the end, & so could someone else!  You just may be surprised at the outcome!

Monday, February 3, 2014

From One Zeal Consultant to Another

A ZEALful Poem – Just for you!

You're not just someone in my "down-line"
You're someone on my team.
You are someone I pray for;
Someone from whom I can learn & glean.

You're not just another name on my Zeal list.
You are a partner with me doing the same.
Linking arms, working together,
Dreaming BIG with goals to claim!

You're not just another consultant,
Just someone building someone else's team.
You are an important part of it all;
You are fulfilling your dreams.

You are vital to Zurvita.
You are vital to me.
You are so very important,
So be all you can be!

Get ZEALed up!  Get fired up!
Make a list of goals and persevere!
Don't let anything stop you.
Care. Share. Be sincere.

God has crossed our paths for a reason.
He has put us together with a plan in mind.
He has brought us Zeal on purpose.
He has a will we need to find.

You could be the very person
To help change someone else's entire life.
Don't give up. Don't quit!
Press on no matter what the strife.

Zeal is a tool you have been given,
Not to be taken for granted or left to be.
Zeal can only do what it can do
If you take it yourself & let others see.

Share your Zeal testimony.
It's the very thing someone needs to hear.
I love my God, & I'm loving Zeal.
And His perfect love casteth out all fear!

Written by:
Felicia Doss