Monday, February 10, 2014

A Challenge for Change

"You can't accept a challenge without some change."

Zeal just makes you feel better!  It gives energy & mental clarity like no other health supplement.  I've tried to be healthy by drinking lots of water, eating salads so much that my step-father use to call me a "rabbit", stay active by walking daily, etc.  But, it wasn't until someone shared Zeal with me that I actually FELT healthier & BETTER.

If I don't share it with others, I'm robbing someone else from having the same wonderful experiences I am with Zeal.  So, why wouldn't I want to share it?!

Many fears have filled my mind of why I haven't, didn't or even won't.  If we were to get together & share all of those reasons, we'd have a list a mile long!  

I wonder if the person that shared it with me, or with you, ever felt the same way?  Probably!

Thing is, those reasons are really only excuses wrapped in the insecurities of our own making!

For some, it really could be a challenge to step out of a comfort zone & share about Zeal.  It could even be difficult to start the Zeal for Life 90 Day Challenge.

"You can't accept a challenge without some change."  Great things are never birthed in a comfort zone!  Making changes is what it takes to overcome challenges!

What challenges are you wanting to overcome in Zeal or with Zeal? The only way you are going to do so is by making some changes & get out of your comfort zone.

It is important to set goals--not just in your heart, but write them down!  Then, take the necessary steps & make the necessary changes to accomplish those goals.

Accept the challenges.  Make some changes.
You will better for it in the end, & so could someone else!  You just may be surprised at the outcome!

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